Herman Mulder, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Global Reporting Initiative, regarding preparing for a planet with 9 billion people


Plus Europe - European Governance

Challenges and practical difficulties facing the European landscape


SOCIAL 3 Interview

Discussing with SOCIAL3, global financial market stability, predictions for when and why the next financial crisis will occur, and how sustainability criteria are increasingly in demand by market analysts to inform their opinions, and how they can use this information for their benefit. Herman also speaks about the "G for All" concept and how this relates to global consumers.


Keynote: Nothing is impossible, particularly when it is inevitable

2013 has seen already a number of events which should cause any business to consider its business fundamentals , its strategic objectives and the way it is engaging about this with its stakeholders. We are at an inflection points on the issues of values, value creation, value chains, dependencies, impacts.


Focal Point USA Interview

(3BL Media) Herman Mulder, Chairman of the Board of The Global Reporting Initiative caught up with 3BL Media at the Global Reporting Initiative Conference, Focal Point USA